วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Saris T-bones 2 Bike Universal Hitch

Shop Saris T-bones 2 Bike Universal Hitch

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Saris T-bones 2 Bike Universal Hitch

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The T-Bones is the first and only bike carrier versatile enough to work beyond the car. T-Bones makes it easy to convert your rack into a bike storage system for your home or office. And when it's on the car, the integrated lock system and adjustmable set-back keep your car, rack and bikes all safe and secure. T-Bones even slips conveniently into a trasport bag so you can throw it over your shoulder to help you reach your final destination. And because it's light-as little as 10 pounds-it won't slow you down. A Saris rack is designed to mount easier, last longer, and keep your bikes safer than anything else out there. It's why we back each product we make with a lifetime warranty. Saris T-bones 2 Bike Universal Hitch.
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